Pinedorado Days
Pinedorado Days are roaring back in Cambria! The Lions Club is proud to bring back this Labor Day weekend celebration, and it’s sure to be a fun time for everyone in the area. The event kicks off with the Pinedorado Parade on Saturday at 9:30 a.m. The theme for this year’s parade is “Cowboys, Art, and Legends,” and you can submit your entry to participate in it before August 31.
After the parade, the Pinedorado grounds formally open, allowing attendants to enjoy all the food, drinks, games, music, and fun they can fit in. On Sunday, the grounds will host the 2024 Pinedorado Car Show. The show is open to all years and makes, so submit your registration if you would like to participate. The entry fee is $65 through August 1 and $80 afterward.
This year’s Pinedorado Days will also be hosting the Follies, a locally produced sketch comedy show. The Follies will offer six fun-filled shows through the weekend at the Cambria Vets Hall, with ticket prices starting at $28.52. Save the date, and get your tickets today.
We look forward to seeing you in Cambria and making 2024’s Pinedorado Days the best ones yet.