Cambria Nursery & Florist outside

Fairy Garden Weekend at the Cambria Nursery

Embark on a magical adventure with this delightful experience for everyone at Cambria Nursery and Florist. Captivating activities for the entire family will be available, including the ever-popular Create-A-Fairy-Garden workshop. You’ll get to use miniature plants, charming accessories, and even tiny fairy figurines to design and build your very own enchanted garden. Other attractions will include DIY seaweed pressing and a bonsai tree class from the Nursery. Visitors will also be able to explore charming gift shops from local vendors, as well as the Nursery itself, looking for any magical treasures that may catch their eye. This whimsical weekend is perfect for people of all ages who love nature, gardening, and a touch of magic.


Jun 07 - 09 2024


9:00 am - 5:00 pm

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Cambria Nursery & Florist
2801 Eton Rd., Cambria, CA 93428

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