The couple is outdoors, near the coast, enjoying a summer day.

What You Need to Explore Activities, Places & Experiences in Cambria

Whether you’re heading here to hunt for treasured antiques, bringing your pets for a fun getaway, or rekindling your romance with a calm couple’s retreat, you’ll find a travel experience in Cambria that speaks to you. As you plan how you’ll spend your time in town, that begs another question: what do you need in order to get the most out of this idyllic California retreat? No need to stress—we’ve assembled a list of all the necessities you’ll need for your next Central Coast escape. So read on, and start packing (or downloading).

Download the Visit Cambria App

Optimized Mockup App

First things first, you’ll want to stay updated and able to find everything around Cambria during your visit. For that, go straight to the source—download the Visit Cambria app today.

Our revamped app empowers you with access to a full suite of resources for your trip. Make sure you’re utilizing our Passport feature, where you can receive rewards for checking in to many key points of interest that serve as highlights for your time here. You can also use the built-in itinerary to create a pre-planned schedule of activities perfectly suited to your desires. Check the maps for instant access to the nearest and nicest places to eat and to the viewing points you’ll want to catch before you conclude your visit.

Walking Gear

hiking in cambria

Cambria is a town best explored on foot, which means you’ll need to bring your best walking gear. Whether you’re hiking the invigorating trails of Fiscalini Ranch or spending an afternoon meandering between the numerous boutique shopping opportunities, the right shoes will prioritize your comfort and let you focus on what matters most—enjoying the exquisite scenery. Don’t forget to take care of yourself after a good walk, either, and take advantage of any of Cambria’s refreshing spas as part of your trip—making sure you’re recharged for the next round of your retreat is just as important as anything you can pack.


A mural of the Purple Coneflower (echinacea purpurea). A dog lays on the ground in front of the mural.

Making magical memories in Cambria is a given, but preserving them on film is just as important to your experience. Make sure you pack your best camera or prime the photo settings on your phone so you’re set to capture the bespoke beauty you’ll find in and around town.

Whether you’re overlooking the oceanscape on Leffingwell Landing or discovering the rolling hills of the inland Central Coast, you’ll want the best snapshots you can get to behold that beauty again and again. That also goes for snapping pictures that speak to the wonderful memories you’ll want to relive down the line. Don’t forget to share your experience, either, with Cambria and the surrounding area providing some of the most outstanding Instagram-worthy backdrops around.


The photo features a person's hands on a beach, with a background of the sky, clouds, and water.

The beauty of Cambria stretches for miles around, so you’ll want to pack some powerful binoculars to best behold all the natural marvels out in the distance. Vantage points at our charming Central Coast location let you look out on whale trail sites or the iconic Morro Rock. You can also travel up to several of the summits near Cambria for an even more breathtaking broad view of the area, or head to any of the many Highway 1 vista points to zoom in on the sight of the Pacific Ocean.

Appetite for Flavors

The image shows a bowl of food placed on a table. It features a dish of fast food cuisine, possibly in a restaurant setting.

Simply seeing the spectacular sights in Cambria isn’t enough—this area is a treat for all your senses, including taste. So make sure you also bring an appetite for the distinctive flavors that define the experience of exploring the Central Coast. Whether you’re sampling varietals from some of the best wineries around, dining on the distinguishing taste of the regional favorites—olallieberries—or discovering the ocean of seafood options that the coast bestows, you’ll want to prepare your palate for an adventure like no other. This is another area where the Visit Cambria app is invaluable, letting you compare and compile wining and dining options ahead of time for your trip.

Dress for the Season

dress for weather

One of the main reasons to visit Cambria is the year-round amenable, accommodating microclimate of the region. Still, it can’t hurt to check the forecast before you go, and make sure the clothes you’re packing are suited to the situation. You’ll want to be certain you’ll stay warm during the winter, for instance. Also, consider your particular plans for your trip when you’re choosing outfits—setting yourself up on the beach is going to call for a different ensemble than hiking the hills north of Cambria. Dress for purpose, making sure your clothes are as functional as they are fashionable for your trip.

Take Note of Events

A woman walking on a wooden boardwalk at the beach, wearing a sundress. The background shows the sky, water, and beach landscape.

There’s always something happening in Cambria. One key point of planning your getaway is to be aware of the special events that will be kicking off while you’re in town. Each season has its own standouts, from the Scarecrow Festival in October to the fine flavors of BlendFest you’ll find in February. Browse our events page or check the app to see what activities await during your visit, and plan out time for anything that catches your enterprising eye.

Get Ready for Your Coastal Exploration

The image shows a couple of hands holding wine glasses at a wine tasting event.

Taking care of all the prep work ahead of time is key to getting the most out of your time in Cambria once you’re here. Plus, planning and packing for the trip can be fun in its own right—picking out everything you need while pinning the perfect events on the app and checking for lodging specials, it all helps to build up excitement and anticipation for your getaway on the charming Central Coast. Book your stay today, then start planning your trip and packing your bags, and remember: the most important thing you can bring on your visit to Cambria is a desire to have a wonderful time!

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